Failed payment issue
Between May and July 2024, a small number of Direct Debits weren’t taken from some customer accounts. If you’ve been affected, it may appear that your bills have been paid on My3 or the Three app. But if you check your bank statement, you’ll find that your Direct Debit hasn’t been taken. We’re sorry for any trouble this has caused. See below for more information and any next steps that need to be taken.
What happened?
Due to a processing error, some Direct Debits weren’t taken from customer accounts between May and July 2024.
What will happen next?
If you haven’t paid your bill manually, we’ll try to claim this payment on your next Direct Debit date. Please check that you’ve got available funds for this payment in your bank account.
What if I am struggling to pay, want to make a partial payment or pay in instalments?
We’re here to help and have options available to help you pay your monthly bill and any outstanding balances.
If you pay by Direct Debit
What will happen with my next bill?
Your next bill will show the amount due for that month plus the balance(s) missed in May, June and/or July.
If you’ve already paid your bill by card or we’ve taken payment by Direct Debit, we’ll only take the amount due for the current month.
Can I make a payment before my Direct Debit is due?
Yes, you can. If you make a payment up to 3 days before your Direct Debit is due, your payment will be deducted from the outstanding balance. And your next Direct Debit will be taken as normal.
If you pay the outstanding balance within 3 days of your Direct Debit due date, the full balance will still be taken by Direct Debit. This amount will include the balance(s) missed in May, June, and/or July. And your manual payment will be added to your account as a credit. If this happens and you’d like to arrange a refund, please get in touch with us.
If you don’t pay by Direct Debit
What will happen with my next bill if I don’t pay by Direct Debit?
Your next bill will show the amount due for that month plus the balance missed in May, June, and/or July.
To avoid your account being moved into collections, please pay the outstanding balance within 4 days of getting this message from us.
We understand the total outstanding balance may be more than you were expecting to pay. But we’re here to help and have options available to help you bring your account up to date. To find out what options are available, please check our billing support page. Or, if you’d like to talk through your options, please get in touch with us.
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