Direct Debit issue

There was an issue with direct debits where a small number of payments were not taken from some customer accounts over the last week. We are really sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please read the below for more information and any action that you need to take.

What happened?

We should have collected your bill on or around the 24th May. Due to a processing error, we didn’t do that. We sent you an SMS last week telling you your payment was delayed and we would try again on 30th May.

Why didn’t you collect my payment on the 30th May like you said?

Due to a processing error, we weren’t able to collect your payment on the 30th May. This has now been fixed.

What will happen next?   

If you have not paid your bill manually, we will attempt to claim this payment on 6th June. Please check your bank account to make sure that you have the correct amount of funds available.  

If you have paid your bill manually via a card payment between the 24th May and 2nd June you do not need to take any  action and we will not try to collect it again. If you have manually paid it after this date, we will refund any extra payment automatically on the 7th June.  This may take a few days to reach your account. 

If you have not paid your bill manually, we will attempt to claim this payment on 6th June. Please check your bank account to make sure that you have funds available. 

What if I am struggling to pay?  

Don’t worry, please contact us via contact us to discuss your options. 

What will happen with my June bill?   

Your June bill will show a previous balance that relates to your May bill and will say we will collect both amounts in June. If you have already paid your bill or we have subsequently collected payment by direct debit, we will only attempt to take the charge for June.