10 vegans you should be following on Instagram
November 1, 2017

Have you thought about trying veganism? Even 5 or 6 years ago the idea would seem laughable to many of us, but times have changed. Whether it’s for environmental, ethical or health-based reasons (or a combination of all three), an increasing number of everyday folk are looking to a plant-based diet – Jennifer Lopez, Liam Hemsworth and Beyoncé are all fans.
In honour of the beginning of World Vegan Month, we’ve scoured Instagram for the healthiest, swankiest and absolute yummiest-looking vegan Instagrammers we could find. Who knows what changes they’ll inspire you to make?
1. @joeyskitchenldn
If the idea of venturing into veganism makes you worry about missing out on all those barbecuey and burgery moments, Joey’s Kitchen’s hotdogs, burgers and melted cheese club sarnies will definitely make you think again.
2. @matthewkenneycuisine
Unless you can visit one of his US-based temples of culinary and nutritional art, you’ll have to plump for this utterly breathtaking feed from “the world’s leading plant-based chef” instead. And dream…
3. @avantegardevegan
Former chef Gaz Oakley went vegan when he started weight training, and developed his own recipes to suit his new regimen. You can even recreate his food for yourself with his new cookbook, Vegan 100. Phwoaar.
4. @the_sunkissed_kitchen
Does making your five-a-day sometimes feel like a chore? A quick swipe through this Sydney vegan’s playful, magical pictures and you’ll be scampering to the greengrocer’s in no time.
5. @eatchayclub
Like what you see from these masters of Vietnamese and Korean vegan streetfood? You can track down Eat Chay at London’s Brick Lane market every Saturday, or go to one of their supper clubs. You’re welcome.
6. @edgarraw
This feed isn’t just about really, really pretty plant-based food. Californian chef, yogi and photographer Edgar also shares amazing shots from his life and travels, and it’s all just too inspiring. Deep breath, everyone.
7. @beyondthekale
Beyond the Kale shares wonderful pics of their tempting and healthy vegan fare. And if you live in the west of the UK and see anything you like, you can head on down to their Bath cafe and try it for yourself.
8. @vegankrizzleybear
If you don’t need your vegan food packaged as anything other than a simple, beautiful palette of nature’s tasty colours, then Kristina aka vegankrizzleybear is the one to follow. This shot certainly puts the Picasso into packed lunch…
9. @youngvegans
Admittedly, not many of us associate vegan food with comfort food, but London-based Young Vegans have got the art of plant-based pie, mash and gravy nailed. Find their shop by Camden Market – perfect weekend nosh now the temperatures are dropping.
10. @nomyourself
Personal chef to the stars and rock’n’roll vegan Mary Mattern shares snapshots of her food, other amazing vegan eats she comes across and moments from her day. She also shares her recipes on Nom Yourself’s website – disclaimer: while they’re delicious, sadly we can’t promise they’ll make you as cool as she is.
Featured image courtesy of The Avant Garde Vegan