Fuel your living room with 5G – for your best life
August 20, 2019

Your sofa’s not going to know what hit it. From every-sensation-overload to a Zen Buddhist retreat and anything in between, come and experience your future 5G living room.
Yep, that’s right. Massive news. We’ve launched our 5G Home Broadband in London. And to give you a taste of what 5G is going to look and feel like in your house, Three’s 5G Broadband, British designer Henry Holland, creative director of House of Holland, and Magic Leap have combined forces to create a 5G fuelled ‘Living Room of the Future’.
It’s an experience so out there it’s gonna blow your mind, as well as your front room, into the 129th century.
Henry has a long history of incorporating technology into his designs. He’s super interested in how it changes the way we live. So, when Three approached him to combine his love of design and 5G he really couldn’t resist.
From the physical space to the mixed reality experience which, in Henry’s words, ‘makes the space come to life and really take on a new dimension’, he’s had a hand in every aspect of Three’s 5G fuelled ‘living room of the future’.
In fact he’s been so impressed with 5G’s capability that he says “I think holograms replacing TVs doesn’t seem in any way far reaching once you’ve sat in this space and actually experienced it. Also, gaming will completely switch over to this mixed reality medium. I don’t think there’s any need for screens or projectors.”
And he doesn’t stop there. “Why would you ever go out again? But I mean why would you go to a shop if you can sit there, buy two pairs of something, try them on and send them back before it’s even come off your credit card?” It’s a good question, right. And he thinks that future’s coming fast, like less than 5 years away for this kind of technology to be integral in our everyday lives.
5G’s a game changer, then.
As Henry sees it, mobile communication revolutionised how people live outside the home, and having Three 5G Home Broadband is going to revolutionise the way people live in their homes. “You’re not going to have buffering and the way people can access different modes and forms of entertainment is gonna be at a click of a finger.”
And it’s all made possible by the massive leap forward in connectivity. Through his involvement in the fashion industry Henry’s only too aware of the many technological advancements available to us today as consumers, which aren’t yet being used to their full capacity. Partly because of the speed of connection, and also because the tech doesn’t feel real to them yet. “It still feels like this crazy space odyssey type technology that’s just completely irrelevant”, he says.
Our advice? Make that space odyssey real and amp up your home life by coming down to Three’s flagship store at 297 Oxford Street and experience the ‘Living Room of the Future’ for yourself. Designed by Henry Holland, fuelled by Three 5G, and delivered via Magic Leap augmented reality technology, it’s there for you until November 2019.
Then, visit http://three.co.uk/store/broadband/home-broadband to check your postcode area is live and be one of the first to get Three’s 5G Broadband in your home.
Last words have to go to Henry, “I’m not leaving here without a hub!” That’s a Three 5G router he’s referring to of course. But you knew that, right.