Stay connected with Discovery online
March 30 2021
Reading time: 2 minutes

Here at Three, we’re on a mission. We want to help you make the most of technology – especially now that we rely on it more than ever. Our Discovery team is here to help everyone live their best digital life and pick up some new skills along the way.
And with Discovery online, you can learn from the comfort of your living room.
An update from the Discovery team
We want to continue supporting our customers as well as possible during this time. And with that in mind, we’ve had to make some temporary changes to how we operate.
Usually, our Discovery team would be out working with schools, businesses, community groups, and individuals of all ages and abilities. But in today’s digital age, Discovery’s gone online.
Virtual Discovery workshops
While you might not be able to join a Discovery session in person, the team’s still on hand to help. You can now join a Virtual Discovery workshop on Zoom.
There’s something for everyone. From basic digital skills like learning how to use WhatsApp to editing photos with Lightroom or building a website with Wix.
All for free.
Check out the full timetable and book your place.
Discovery junior sessions
Keeping the kids entertained during half-term is hard enough without being in the middle of another lockdown. So, to give you a helping hand, our Discovery team will be running some junior sessions.
They’ll keep your children occupied with sessions on everything from creating their own cartoons to making digital music. Got a budding director on your hands? The Discovery team can show them how to film and edit videos.
All sessions are suitable for complete beginners and last for an hour. And you can either join in with the fun or grab a hot cuppa, while you can.
The sessions run from 2 April to 16 April and are completely free. All you need to do is sign up. Places are limited though, so you need to be quick!
Missed a session? Don’t worry – the Discovery team also has a whole host of videos on YouTube that you can watch whenever you want.
What's on this half term?
Friday 2 April, 10:00 – Cartoon making with Toontastic 3D
A chance for kids to make their own cartoon using the free Toontastic 3D app. We’ll show them how to set the scene, plan their story and bring their characters to life with movements and voices.
Friday 2 April, 13:00 – Flipbook animation with Flip-a-clip
Drawing a flipbook can be tricky but with the Flip-a-clip app it’s easy. We’ll show your little ones how to get started.
Tuesday 6 April, 10:00 – Block coding with Hopscotch – iOS only
Do your kids fancy having a go at making their own game or animated story? We’ll show them how with the Hopscotch app.
Wednesday 7 April, 16:00 – Stop-motion animation with Stop Motion Studio
Get ready to bring toys to life by learning how to shoot and edit a short, animated film. We’ll help your kids plan and create their stories using props and scenery. Lego works perfectly for this but you can use whatever you’ve got to hand.
Thursday 8 April, 15:30 – Digital poster making with Pic Collage
In this session, we’ll show your kids how to make eye-catching and exciting digital posters using the Pic Collage app.
Friday 9 April, 10:00 – Digital music-making with GarageBand – iOS only
Got a little music lover? Then GarageBand could be just the app for you and your future chart-topper. Get ready to create digital sounds from jingles to full-on soundtracks. GarageBand is only available on iOS devices.
Friday 9 April, 15:30 – Movie making and editing with InShot
Got a budding director on your hands? In our moving-making session, we’ll show them how to shoot and edit videos.
Monday 12 April, 10:00 – Stop-motion animation with Stop Motion Studio
Get ready to bring toys to life by learning how to shoot and edit a short, animated film. We’ll help your kids plan and create their story using props and scenery. Lego works perfectly for this but you can use whatever you’ve got to hand.
Tuesday 13 April, 15:30 – Block coding with Hopscotch – iOS only
Do your kids fancy having a go at making their own game or animated story? We’ll show them how with the Hopscotch app.
Wednesday 14 April, 16:00 – Creating a podcast with Anchor
Got a child that wants to share their thoughts and musings with the world? This is the session for them. We’ll show them how to record everything in podcast format.
Thursday 15 April, 14:15 – Animated advert creation with Clips – iOS only
Do your little ones fancy creating an animated advert to show off their inventions? In this session, we’ll show them how to create a great advert with animation and movement using the Clips app.
Friday 16 April, 16:00 – Digital poster making with Pic Collage
In this session, we’ll show your kids how to make eye-catching and exciting digital posters using the Pic Collage app.
Sign up for a Discovery junior session
Discovery on YouTube
Not around to catch a live stream or a workshop? Check out our YouTube channel for how-to videos to help you find new ways to use your tech for work or play.
Why Discovery is important
A recent survey by Lloyds found that 21% of people in the UK lack basic digital skills. They found that there were 4 barriers stopping people from getting online: access, skills, confidence, and motivation.
We want to break through those barriers with our Discovery team. We’re offering free sessions to help you develop your digital skills and stay connected. And you don’t even have to be a Three customer to take part.
Who are Discovery sessions aimed at?
Absolutely everyone, all ages, and abilities. All you need is to want to learn something new or to brush up on your skills.
Making digital skills our mission
So far, we’ve helped more than 120,000 people, with ages ranging from 4 to 95. Our aim to raise awareness and help develop digital skills across the country is now becoming a reality. And we’d love you to get stuck in and start making your own discoveries.
Want to find out more about Discovery? Get in touch at Or you can find the team @ThreeDiscovery on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.