What does your Samsung ringtone say about you?
March 31, 2017

As far as first impressions are concerned, your ringtone might be someone’s initial insight into your inner soul.
Samsung ringtones might not be as culturally significant as, say, the infamous Nokia Tune, but they’re actually pretty advanced.
The gorgeous new Samsung S8 comes laden with over 30 multi-instrumental masterpieces, all with their own unique genre and theme. Your fave Samsung ringtone – that signature six-note ‘Over the Horizon’ tune – has had a revamp courtesy of Grammy winner Jacob Collier to suit the new S8 handset with its spacious infinity screen, sound-enhancing AKG headphones and super camera.
We all know that the really fun bit of a phone is scrolling through those musical ditties, looking for the one that you’ll happily listen to over and over again, until it’s time for your next upgrade.
But what does your choice of tune say about you? Trust us, a lot. Are you a Secret Agent, a Wanderer or a Namaste Warrior?
Basic Bell/Basic Tone – The Utilitarian
Actively choosing anything that describes itself as ‘basic’ shows that you’re happy with the simple things in life, and don’t like too much fuss and bother. We have a feeling that you don’t grate cheese on your beans on toast, and that your favourite advert is the famous Ronseal ‘Does exactly what it says on the tin.’
Beep Once/Beep Beep – The Secret Agent
You’re the only one who needs to know what’s happening on your phone and you prefer a life that’s shrouded in mystery. You’d never click ‘attending’ on a Facebook invitation and think it’s vulgar to post anything showing your actual face on Instagram. The answer when someone asks you where you’re going? ‘Out’, of course.
Beginning – The Namaste Warrior
You split your time between yoga classes and juice cleanse retreats and value calm and serenity in your life. That and Kate Hudson’s chic sportswear line. In tune with your zen spirit, Samsung’s original ringtone is just the right level of soothing not to disturb your Bikram buzz.
Bunny Hopping – The Retro Gamer
Only someone who has completed a difficult level on Super Mario Bros. will understand the triumphant feeling that comes from this kind of happy bleeping.
Chimes – The Minimal Millennial
Ever the pragmatist, you thought long and hard about your ringtone choice before settling on this one. Naturally, you don’t want to draw attention to yourself in the wrong way, but you also don’t want to be seen as boring. To you, this sounds like the Samsung equivalent of iPhone’s catchy-but-not-contagious ‘Marimba’ tune, so you went with it. Pragmatic.
Crossing a River – The Motivator
Welcome to the kind of music you would hear during an inspirational Powerpoint presentation. It’s got hints of montage, and sprinklings of fade-out. Great for managers who want to inspire their team with every phone call.
Dance Party – The Celebrator
Is it Friday every day in your life? Would you describe yourself as ‘funky’? Do you order cocktails even if you’re at a country pub surrounded by farmers drinking ale? Then this is the ringtone for you.
Day by Day – The Wanderer
This sun-drenched guitar number sounds like the music of a nice foreign beer advert. It reminds us of Italian holidays and whimsical adventures abroad. If this was your choice, we reckon you’re a globe-trotter at heart …
Drifting Downstream – The Trendsetter
Drifting Downstream has such a good guitar hook, it may actually be a number one hit one day. You’re obviously the trendy one in your friendship group, the one who taps into what’s current and hot and keeps the rest of the gang up to scratch. Question is, will this ringtone last into next season?
Ecliptic – The Diva
With all the theatrical grace of a 1970s soap opera set on a cruise ship, this ringtone would only attract someone as deeply glamorous as you. We see sequins, crashing waves, passion and a lot of drama on the horizon.
First Light – The Smitten Kitten
You chose this cute-but-soppy Samsung ringtone because it made you think of your boyfriend or girlfriend, didn’t you? We thought so.
Fresh Morning – The Cheerful Dad
Reminiscent of the intro to Up and old-fashioned films where people tap dance, this seems to be a ringtone designed exclusively for happy fathers going about their business in an organised and generally chipper way. Honestly, listen to it and try to imagine anything else.
Hangouts Choices – The Extreme Google Fan
If you have willingly assigned one of the pre-set Gmail or Google+ notification sounds as your general ringtone, you must just absolutely love Google. Cruising the web, searching for things, screaming ‘OK GOOGLE’ into the app. It’s understandable, to a degree. Google is useful. But maybe it’s time to expand your horizons?
Morning Flower – The Girlie Girl
Dainty and feminine, this sweet song reminds us of tiny dolls dancing, and definitely shows off how much you love sugar and spice and all things nice. Pastel pinks, bouquets of roses, glittery phone cases – they’re all part of your cute, girly personality and having a Samsung ringtone to match is the ultimate accessory.
Mystic Tone – The Ghost
A classic choice for someone who doesn’t want their ringtone to feel jarring – who wants to blend into the background, unnoticed as they take multiple personal calls in a busy office without any managers noticing. Of course, the bleeps and tones of this particular ditty meld quite naturally into the hustle and bustle of any workplace, meaning that only you would notice it. Clever.
Ocean Voyage – The Millionaire
Well, aren’t you a smooth operator? Only someone who is comfortable with ordering champagne during a work lunch would choose such a jazzy number. We’re also getting vibes of linen trousers, the French Riviera and lots and lots of seafood.
On The Stage – The ‘90s Kid
Crimp your hair, get some curtains, put on some baggy Mom jeans and fire up the Game Boy. You’ve been missing the ‘90s for the last two decades and are still paying homage to your favourite era in literally every avenue of your life – including your ringtone. Luckily this one sounds like a Backstreet Boys song. Ideal.
One Step Forward – The Time Traveller
Why did you choose this? Oh, it’s because you want every phone call to feel like an epic journey into the future of space and time. We imagine that this is what going into warp-speed would sound like if it was a catchy jingle. Just try not to make a whooshing sound every time you swoop down to pick up your phone.
Over The Horizon – The Lazy Bones
You may not be lazy in every aspect of your life, but when it comes to customising your phone, you’re yet to put in the hours. Indeed, if you’re the kind of person to chill with the (albeit beautiful and moving) default ringtone on the Samsung S7, then maybe you also have – duh duh duh – the default wallpaper, too!?
Prelude – The Mountain Climber
You’re the kind of person who wants to relive all your experiences hiking up mountains and conquering landscapes, which is definitely the reason this inspirational, climbing piano melody appealed to you. It matches your Instagram account perfectly – with all those beautifully filtered vistas overlaid with inspirational quotes.
A Rustling in the Trees – The Reflector
One word describes you: nostalgic. You love those TV shows where comedians remember their favourite things about an era. Friends reruns make you happy. There may be a chance you’ve sat in the woods, contemplating your life while listening to this Samsung ringtone on repeat, but don’t worry – your secret is safe with us.
Scampering Tone – The Construction Worker
We know there is a time and place for these kinds of notifications – maybe in very loud environments where your ringtone has to compete for aural attention. But honestly this is the only situation where it would be acceptable. A librarian’s worst nightmare, but a construction worker’s dream.
Somewhere – The Scatterbrain
This is the musical equivalent to golden syrup spilt onto unvarnished wood, which means you chose it because it’s impossible to forget. You wanted a ringtone that stood out and made you pay attention, because anything else would result in a thousand missed calls and a series of apologetic texts.
Sparkling Melody – The Clubber
Have you ever wondered what a children’s music box would sound like if it was drum and bass? Of course you have – you’re obsessed with dance music of every kind. Any excuse for a warehouse rave or all-nighter will get you sporting neon almost instantly, and so of course your ringtone had to have the same electro impact.
Ticktac – The TV Doctor
You are a hard-working doctor in a US drama show, and instead of a pager, you have an amazing Samsung S7. However, you wanted the authentic ‘pager’ sound, so Ticktac was your ringtone of choice. It’s either that or you’ve watched so much Grey’s Anatomy, you just think this is a standard-issue ringtone.
Warm Greetings – The Christmas Count-downer
We’re not sure, but we think this is the unofficial Christmas Samsung ringtone. Something about it just feels festive, and if you’ve chosen it, it shows that the Yuletide season is something that you’re missing dearly. Don’t worry – only 270-odd days to go before you can start planning your tree decorations.
So there you have it. Next time you hear a ringtone playing, will you be in the presence of a Scatterbrain, a Construction Worker or a Wanderer? Listen out for those all-important beeps and chimes.
Main pic: Pexels via Chevanon Photography